
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lash the Oars to our Hands and Let us Pull

This is a video I made for a song by the band Ballydowse.  What?  You've never heard of Ballydowse?  They broke up a few years back, but before that they recorded two terrific albums.  Their music is hard to put into a category.  They combined Celtic and punk stylings with and eclectic variety of instruments and a radical left wing Christianity. 

This is The Rowing Song from their 2nd album Out of the Fertile Crescent (2000).


  1. Do you just use Windows movie maker? I've been trying to experiment with it, but cannot seem to get these results. I must admit my last attempt was rather lame and (truth be told) I'm quite good with powerpoint, so I cannot ge the same results with movie maker as I can with powerpoint.

  2. No, Paul, I'm using Adobe Premiere Elements. It's a pretty decent program. Window's Movie Maker is decent enough for what it is, but, yeah, you won't get these results with it...
