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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Lavender and Green

 Here’s another song i’ve written just tonight. It’s a song about love and loss and faith and doubt and the whole complicated mess.

Lay me down in lavender and green
 Let me sleep with untroubled dreams 
 Scratch the scab to find the blood 
 Watch the man go up in flames 

 Life is short and we all must die 
 Why did you not say goodbye? 
The gin I had to drink last night 
 Could not take away your face

 They came for me with unblinking eyes 
 But I had no alibi 
 And so I went away with them 
 Never to return again 

 Lay me down in lavender and green 
 Let me sleep with untroubled dreams 
 Scratch the scab to find the blood 
 Watch the man go up in flames 

 It is no secret that my faith has doubt
 Still I believe though the light’s gone out 
 I will wrestle through the night 
Break my leg and send me on 

 Grant me mercy by your word 
Let me rest in peace, dear Lord 
To the bitter end, that is my oath 
But I’m just so fucking tired 

 Lay me down in lavender and green 
 Let me sleep with untroubled dreams 
 Scratch the scab to find the blood 
 Watch the man go up in flames

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Jeff Carter's books on Goodreads
Muted Hosannas Muted Hosannas
reviews: 2
ratings: 3 (avg rating 4.33)

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