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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Over All, Through All, In All

The noise of storms and harsh alarms 
 Shouts of treason and heresy 
We burn ourselves down to the ground 
 Trading friends for enemies 

 Through a storm of lies and blinded eyes 
We strain to see each other honestly
 Demanding a sign but speaking unkind 
 Without patience or humility 

 But make us 
One body, one spirit 
 Created in one hope 
 With one lord and one faith 
One baptism, one God and father
 Over all, through all in all 

 All our rancor shows in broken windows 
 Shattered glass in the streets 
While leaders of hate in a violent state 
 Their vulgar words are indiscreet 
 A people misguided in a house divided 
 Laid to waste we cannot stand 
 Unworthy of the call with no love at all 
We withhold a helping hand 

 But make us 
One body, one spirit 
 Created in one hope 
 With one lord and one faith 
One baptism, one God and father 
Over all, through all in all

Based on the lectionary reading for today - Ephesians 4:1-16

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Muted Hosannas Muted Hosannas
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