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Thursday, May 30, 2019

I Am Myself

There are voices, offstage voices
singing ancient hymns in shifting key
while all the ice of the invisible world
is gathering here in my heart
in my clamoring heart.

Yet I am myself, I think
myself – blushing and dreaming
of vacant cathedrals.
I am myself.

The Lord, our God, made earth and sky
as we lay sleeping in ditches,
drunk and half-witted. I did drink,
aye, and dance, yes
but I did not sell myself.
I am penniless, not brainless.
Not yet.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Crucible

Our local community theater group will soon be putting on a production of Arthur Miller’s - The Crucible. You are all invited to come see it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Day Full of Wonder

Yesterday was an ordinary day, full of wonder and of weird. Perfectly ordinary in every way.

I saw that the great steel rings encircling me were banded with iridescent rainbows. I asked the angel carrying these rings through the air, “How came this to be? What causes this?”  “The Trees. They are responsible,” he told me, but I knew that he meant The Chemists.

I considered my age, but did not act it.

I saw rivers of rust racing upward from the middle of the floor. They were there on the other side as well.

I looked for someone who was not there.

I watched this not too solid, blue flesh be washed away, renewed. This happened more than once, and I rejoiced each time.

I ate cheese.

I said, “I am not so old.” But no one heard me. And I didn’t believe me.

I sent undeliverable messages into the void. They returned to me the same.

I deciphered a coded map to an unwanted treasure. I watched as the X was marked and the hole was dug. It was promptly refilled.

I instructed some in the ways and means of revolution. All they needed was power and a way to control it – and isn’t that true of all revolutions?

I went in search of lost and forgotten scrolls. I went into neglected corners and haunted ruins I found a few of the scrolls, but only a few.

I hid myself from the hovering, red eye – the eye that seeks to crush and to kill. I slunk into the recesses and hid behind the columns until it passed.

I hijacked a battery and pushed buttons for brass.

I drew the summoning digit with chalk and waited for them that look within.

I reminded myself to not be anxious, but did not heed the reminder. My lip was shredded. Still, for a moment I felt a shower of sparks down my neck and spine, and I was not afraid. I held the light.

Yesterday was an ordinary day, full of wonder and of weird. Perfectly ordinary in every way.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Whose Head Is This and Whose Title?

15 Then the Evangelicals went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. 16 So they sent their disciples to him, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. 17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the government, or not?” 18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me one of your coins..” And they brought him one. 20 Then he said to them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” 21 They answered, “President Trump..” Then he said to them, “Give to God the things that belong to God, and pay your taxes, but don’t give this clown anything; he’s a liar and a cheat..” 22 When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Mother of My Children and Those Children

Photo taken at the MN Zoo in a rare moment when all three were smiling at the same time.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

2019 Backyard Garden

My backyard garden is planted for 2019. The garden is expanded this year to about 25’ x 40’.

This year it includes:
Bee Balm
Atomic Cosmic Tomatoes
Cherokee Green Beefsteak Tomatoes
Taxi OG Yellow Beefsteak Tomatoes
No name Tomatoes
Pole Beans
Green Beans
Hot Peppers
Rouge d’Hiver -red Romain lettuce
Mixed color Orach
Purple Haze Carrots
and Hops (three varieties)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

A Busy and Productive Day.

It has been a busy and productive day, so much accomplished, so many tasks completed. I feel good. And just what all did  I do today? Well, let me tell you:

I began the day by dreaming of zombies in the workplace, of barricaded doors and axes in soft skulls.

I awoke and dressed and walked 0.6 miles to get nowhere- or rather, nothing- or rather to not get what I wanted. I bought coffee and doughnuts instead. Disappointing, yes. But still- has coffee, so not terrible.

I then cut the heads off of a thousand lions. One by one, I cut them down. Later I will drink their blood.

I angered a swarm of bees. Not a good idea.

I gave the earth a haircut.

I pruned three small wolves. Later there may be beer, but tomorrow I will cook and eat them with friends.

I sat a while to read- to reread, I should say (and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread this story)  to read the story of a misunderstood not-monster living in the not-then, not-yet ruins of a French gothic cathedral.

I spoke bad Russian to an artificially intelligent owl. I try to do this every day.

I ate wine-soaked cheese then went out in search of still more food.

I dozed on the couch with my young bride (who insists that she cannot be more than than twenty-seven, and that her baby cannot be graduating from high school in a few days).

I caused it to rain upon the earth- or at least my small part of it.

I discovered errant golf balls on the roof and opened clogged water ways.

I ate earth apples.

All this and there are still several good hours (and one bad hour) left in the day.

Jeff Carter's books on Goodreads
Muted Hosannas Muted Hosannas
reviews: 2
ratings: 3 (avg rating 4.33)

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