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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's not Enough to be Seen in Photos Appearing to Serve...

It may be that Republican Vice-President Candidate Paul Ryan really does believe in the gospel’s call to self sacrificing service of others.  I do not mean to assert that he is uncaring or that he is not a real Christian.  But …
The intersection of this week’s lectionary reading (Mark 10: 35 – 45) and the recent flurry of internet outrage over photos and video of Ryan’s pretense at service provides an interesting point for discussion.

In the reading for this Sunday, Jesus’ disciples are once again demonstrating their inability to comprehend the meaning of it all.  He’s just told them (for the third time) about his upcoming betrayal, arrest, condemnation, rejection, torture, death, and resurrection (Mark 10: 32 – 34) when the Zebedee boys, those “sons of Thunder” James and John, approach Jesus to make a request.  “Rabbi” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.”  - Phew! At least they're not asking for much… Jesus, however, is no dolt. He knows better than to issue blank checks. He asks the boys to clarify what it is that they really want.

And it’s not much... They want, only, to have the top two seats of prestige and power and authority when Jesus comes into his victorious glory.  They have ambition. They are motivated. They want to rule and to lead.  (This is a point of connection to Paul Ryan’s recent photo-op fail.  He wants to lead.  He wants to rule.  He wants the number two seat…)

Jesus questions whether or not they really know what they're asking for, and whether or not they're really willing to accept the cost that comes with that request.  They assure him that they do and that they are – and Jesus, surprisingly, accepts them at their word, but tells them that those positions are not his to give.

When the other 10 disciples get wind of this private conversation, they are indignant with the Thunder Brothers.  But Jesus sets them down and tells them:

“You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them and their great ones are tyrants over them.  But is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant. And whoever wishes to first among you must be slaves to all…”

A real Christian leader will serve, not merely be seen appearing as if to serve.

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