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Monday, November 24, 2014

Dr. Tarrec Distrusts Chirurgeons

In going through the steamer trunk of Dr. Tarrec’s writings, I have discovered the following notes scrawled in pencil on the margins of the pages of a medical text book.  Dr. Tarrec does not like hospitals and distrusts “chirurgeons.” 


I am suspicious of the air, especially at night.  What latent qualities and powers is it hiding in that miasma above the city?  The clouds are full of odors and all unwholesome smell is disease. 

Zymotic disease is already fermenting, waiting to coalesce into mucus and tumors, into clotted black blood and rotted teeth.  The patient has a fever that blisters and melts the skin.

The effluviums of madness can survive for up to three weeks outside of a host – in the dust and on the clothing.  It is infectious, not merely hereditary, propagated by touch and through the unresisting air.  And this is part of a nefarious plan by our enemies to increase the reach and scope of their organization.

Cosmic-telluric influence of evil energy currents affect the young most of all.  How can we ward off the foul spirits of bad air?  Their vapors enter the blood and cause thickness and sickness. 

This is the chymico-phsyical paradox:  That hyssop oil can be used as an antiseptic and as an anti-skeptic.  There is nothing in the chemystical tradition - not a single warning - about the pus that forms in the eye socket of lunatics.

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