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Monday, May 23, 2016

Salvation Army Officers Attitudes Towards Same Sex Relationships - An Unofficial Survey

In a recent online discussion among some of my fellow Salvationists, it was suggested that as many as 10% of officers would be supportive of same sex marriage. Some friends were shocked, and even outraged that that high of a number was bandied about. For my part, I suggested that if we are in line with other Evangelical Protestant denominations, that the percentage is likely higher, around 36%. 

However, no one I spoke to could recall an official survey of Salvation Army officers on the issue. And my curiosity was piqued. So I have put together a very brief survey that I hope will help provide something like a realistic description of the number of Salvation Army officers who are supportive of same sex relationships.

A couple of important qualifiers:

This is not an official survey; it is not sponsored by any territory or division. It is personal research only.

At this time I am only soliciting responses from active / retired officers and cadets. This is not because I'm uninterested in the opinions of our many fine soldiers, adherents, former officers, clients, and etc. It is only to keep this initial fact-finding survey simple, clear, and easily defined.

This also why have limited the survey to one substantive question. I considered adding more questions about the reasons why people side for or against but, again, I wanted to keep this initial survey as simple and uncluttered as possible.

The survey is anonymous. Names are not requested, and if given will not be shared with anyone.

I will leave the survey open until July 31, 2016 and share it as widely as I can so as to get as wide and (hopefully) representative sample as possible. I will post the results of the survey here in August.

Thank you for taking the time to answer this simple survey.

If the embedded survey below doesn't work for you, try this direct link. -

Create your own user feedback survey


  1. Recentley resigned officers?

  2. Apparently Soldier is not a rank or position whose opinion you respect. Should an Officer come to our Corps and preach same sex marriage they would be frog marched off the pulpit, out the front door, with a swift kick to the seat of their pants as a farewell.

    1. Amen! Any officer that preaches a false gospel will be cast out in our corps.

    2. I do value the soldier's input. Very much. But for this first simple survey, I kept it to officers. Not because I'm not interested in input from soldiers, adherents, employees, and etc... but just as a way to make a clean, simple start to the issue.

  3. I suppose there is no way to verify whether those that fill out this poll are actually officers. At best the evidence it pulls will be conceptual, and at worst completely false information.

    1. Indeed. That is a very real limitation of this survey. And I will keep that in mind when I have the results and try to interpret them. Thank you.

  4. The survey is timely and needed but I believe the substantive question focuses too much on the physical behaviour than the bigger issue of acceptance and inclusion. There is as much diversity in the LGBT community about sexual practices as there is in hetero-normative relationships. The issue for many LGBT is not about what they do in the bedroom, but how they live their lives and are accepted by society and the church. I know a number of Christian gay men who choose not engage in penetrative sex. This includes a number of salvationists and officers who identify as gay who are no longer part of our fellowship because they have been told they are welcome.

    1. Good points. Thank you. I realize that the survey is very limited; that is both an help and a hindrance. Simple is good for clarity but limits nuance and context. I have no illusions that this survey covers the whole of the issue. I just hope it helps us to discuss the issue better.

  5. This is what you do with your time?

    1. With a portion of my time, yes, I do try to observe and learn about the world around me; I try to understand what is happening and my place in it.

      Weird. I know.


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