These are little figurines of various saints that I have in my office. Someone gave them to me as a gift a few years back. I'm not Roman Catholic, offering prayers to the saints isn't part of my faith tradition, but I do like these little figures, and I am impressed and inspired by the lives of the saints. So I keep these little trinkets in my office.
This one is St. Clare of Assisi. She was one of the first followers of St. Francis.
In 1958 Pope Pius XII declared her the patron saint of television. According to the stories told about her, when Clare was too ill to attend the Mass she was able to hear and see it on her bedroom wall.
God of mercy,
You inspired Saint
Clare with the love of poverty. By the help of her
prayers may we follow Christ in
poverty of spirit and come to the joyful
vision of Your glory in the Kingdom of
heaven. We ask this through Our
Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,Who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, forever and
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