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Friday, April 5, 2013

Saint Francis

St. Francis photo StFrancis_zpsf3ceee40.jpg

I have always had an admiration for St. Francis. His life, his work have inspired me.  And yes, I know that some of those stories may be exaggerated legends.  Nevertheless...

St. Francis 2 photo StFrancis2_zps2f483672.jpgI took these photos tonight, of a small St. Francis statue. It's a cheap piece of plastic and the bottom of it is cracked.  The birds at his feet have long since broken off.  But I like it.  I also have a larger one outside the front door that someone gave me a few years ago.

The little wooden blocks behind good Saint Francis are scraps from my father's pen making.


  1. Wow - Great pic! The "cheapness" is completely hidden.

    P.S. If my comments are more of a nuisance, just say so. (I've been there.)

  2. Comments are always appreciated... except for the spammy and hateful comments. And trolls... but other than that, comments are always great.


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