According to one apocryphal story (that even the biographer who recorded it
admitted was invented to “enliven” the story of good Gabriel’s life…) Gabriel
single handedly defended the village of Isola, Italy from a band of twenty murdering,
raping terrorists who were intent on pillaging and burning the village. Gabriel wrested a handgun from one of the gang
members and demonstrated his incredible skill with the weapon and compelled
them to leave.
It’s a great story, right? Sure – it’s a great story. In it Gabriel is heroic and unflinching in the face of overwhelming odds. He doesn’t blink, but instead he uses cold and calculated marksmanship to protect the helpless villagers with the power of a precisely aimed handgun. The only problem is that IT ISN’T TRUE.
It’s a great story, right? Sure – it’s a great story. In it Gabriel is heroic and unflinching in the face of overwhelming odds. He doesn’t blink, but instead he uses cold and calculated marksmanship to protect the helpless villagers with the power of a precisely aimed handgun. The only problem is that IT ISN’T TRUE.
And this is the same heroic story that the NRA and 2nd
Amendment advocates continue to tell us: that handguns will protect us from
murderers, rapists, and gangs of terrorists.
But it’s still not true.
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