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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Salvation Army and LGBT Discrimination

I wish it said more - but this is a pretty decent start.  (Also, several of my friends are visible in these photos.  Nice to see them again.)

More stories and testimonies here.


  1. damage control i guess

  2. Partly. yes.

    I wish that this had included something along the lines of "while our intent, and ideal is to serve everyone without discrimination, we have, as an organization, failed at times." and an apology. And a promise to continue to serve without discrimination.

  3. Except for the word orientation I feel this does not say anything new. The Army has always taught not to discriminate against gays. Ok perhaps it is a first step but what is required is positive action. It is ironic at a time when gay people want to have one partner (Civil unions & gay marriage) instead of the reputed promiscuity, that the Army would not be for gay marriage.

    1. You are correct. It's nothing new. And there is still more that needs to be said.

      Thank you.


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