And the weather is fitted to the mood. It's a cold, rainy, foggy day in December.
So while I was out and about, doing one of the things that needed to be done (one of the things that cost me $160 that I hadn't expected to spend) I stopped to take some photographs. I carry my camera with me just about all the time now - looking for pictures. And I found some today. Some very nice ones, I think. These pictures won't change the events of today, or the consequences of the things that have happened, but they do help me to feel a bit better. They have brought me some small measure of joy on this otherwise cheerless day.
These photos and several others that I have taken are available for purchase - either as a digital download ($2.99) or as a professional quality 2' X 3' canvas print ($211). The money I raise from these sales is given to The Salvation Army of Newton, Iowa.

Thank you.